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Tips to Setup Your Private Office


The layout and design of any office ultimately determines how comfortable you feel in the space. When arranging the room, it’s important to make everything functional to increase your productivity. When you’re setting up your private office, there are a few important tips to follow to create a room that you enjoy spending time in.

Invest in a Quality Chair

You’ll spend hours each day in the office chair that you purchase, making it necessary to invest in a product that is ergonomically correct and will offer plenty of support. Test out the office chair beforehand to ensure that it’s easy to adjust and allows your feet to touch the ground. You should feel comfortable and have proper support for your back, arms, and legs. The back of the chair should be slightly curved and allow your tailbone to stick out.

Work Around the View

When you’re arranging your office furniture, the pieces should be placed around the view to ensure that you can take a peek outside as you work. Consider putting your desk in front of the window and hang curtains to add a cozy touch to the office, which can often feel bare and cold. If you’re working in a windowless space, hang a picture that depicts a natural landscape above the desk. Working the layout of the furniture around a window will also allow more natural light into the setting, which will reduce eyestrain and headaches.

Organize Vertically

Take advantage of wall space where you can store your books, mail, and important papers. You can use baskets and trays to keep everything organized by grouping similar items. Keeping the products off of the desk and ground will make it easier to have a more spacious setting that is easier to navigate. Wooden or metal cube storage can make for a modern alternative to bookshelves and will allow your office to look professionally designed.

Choose a Desk with Abundant Storage

One of the most common mistakes that many people make when setting up a private office is choosing office furniture that looks good but is not necessarily functional. Select an office workstation that has abundant storage and can hold all of your supplies. There should be plenty of drawers to keep bulky items out of sight. If you accumulate a significant amount of paperwork, opt for using an L-shaped design that offers you more countertop space.

Hang a Dry Erase Board

Mounting a dry erase board on the wall will allow you to have a space to take notes, write down a to-do list for each day, and create a visual when you have business meetings. Using a dry erase board will prevent you from writing everything down on post-it notes and will reduce the amount of clutter that you accumulate. You can quickly look up at the board when you need to reference your notes and can avoid losing valuable information by keeping everything in one place.

Your private office should be a space designed to assist your day to day work. Because you’re spending almost every day in this one room, it’s all the better if your office has the right furniture for organization, productivity and relaxation.

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