
Home | NJ to NYC: Commuter’s Biggest Complaints

NJ to NYC: Commuter’s Biggest Complaints

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In today’s world, many of us commute to work each day. While some people find the drive enjoyable and relaxing, this is not the case for everyone. In fact, many individuals report that their daily commute is an irritating or anxiety-inducing experience. Here are some of the reasons why:


One of the biggest complaints that commuters mention when discussing their daily drive to work is traffic. In many cases, traffic is horrible. Whether a car accident has slowed everyone down or a lane was shut down due to construction, stalling everyone in the general vicinity, traffic can put a big damper on one’s day.

Vehicle Wear And Tear

Another big complaint that commuters often have regarding their experience driving to work is the wear and tear it puts on the vehicle. In some cases, commuters are travelling fifty or more miles to work each day. In addition to wearing out the tires, this daily commute can age one’s engine and require one to attain more frequent repair services.

Gas Prices

In addition to having to deal with vehicle wear and tear, individuals who commute to work are forced to grapple with constantly changing gas prices. During some seasons, it appears that these prices experience a steady, exponential-like growth which necessitates emptying one’s wallet to fill the gas tank. This can be a particularly stressful experience for individuals who are on a budget.


Yet another issue that many commuters find as they drive to work is the police. Those of us who are prone to occasionally speeding in order to avoid being late have to remember that we could be reprimanded by a highway patrolman. And even when you aren’t committing some type of traffic violation, the sight of a cop can be an anxiety-inducing experience.

The Need To Return Home

One of the biggest irritations that we can undergo when commuting is reaching the office only to find that we have left an important item at home. Whether it’s a PDF file that was not saved to the cloud or a cake for the boss’s birthday party, forgetting these items will oftentimes necessitate that we turn around and travel all the way home.

Don’t Let Your Daily Commute Destroy The Day!

In considering the wide range of unwanted issues that can surface when one opts to commute, it’s important to maintain a list of simple solutions which can decrease the experience of frustration. One of those solutions is committing to leave home early. This strategy can help us avoid terrible traffic. Additionally, leaving the house 10-15 minutes early reduces the likelihood of being late to work! It also always helps to arrive to a well designed office that is furnished for comfort and productivity. Companies like Extra Office Interiors are pleased to provide top notch office furniture to help you work efficiently in a pleasant setting.

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